PLANT & PROSPER Safety Razor - Mint
The revolutionary way to a guilt free shave
Introducing your new best friend. This sleek, durable, lifelong razor will give you a shave so close you'll wonder why you didn't make the switch earlier.
And the best part… it’s made of zinc alloy and brass meaning no plastic. Yay! So whilst having an amazingly smooth shave, you’ll also be reducing your usage of single use plastic (lowering your environmental footprint), and be well on your way to a sustainable bathroom routine.
This item includes:
- 1 x Plastic-free reusable safety razor (Rose Gold, Charcoal or Mint)
- 10 x Replacement double-sided razor blades giving around 80 shaves (approx. 5-8 shaves per blade).
Note: The blades are placed in one of the ends of the insert inside the box. This could be either the top or bottom. Please fully remove the contents of the box.
This is one fence where the grass really is greener on the other side. Here are 5 simple reasons why we LOVE our reusable razors.
1. Plastic-free
Multi-blade, disposable, plastic cartridges are arguably the most wasteful product we use in our bathrooms, with an estimated 2 billion razors ending up in landfill each year from the US alone! This is the equivalent weight of 2,933 African elephants! With the head made from zinc alloy and the handle brass, this razor is completely plastic-free and fully recyclable (including the blades!). Making the switch gives a guilt free, zero-waste shave.
2. Cost-effective
Time for some maths... Stay with me. Disposable razors heads allow for 7-10 shaves, meaning if shaving every other day, the cartridge will need to be replaced every 2-3 weeks. Cartridges are typically $20 for a 3 pack (~$7 each), so that’s up to $182 a year on plastic razor heads that end up in the landfill polluting our planet. Our zero-waste razor lasts a lifetime and replacement blades are fraction of the cost at 50c a blade (which lasts the same as a cartridge). Win win!
3. Cleaner, closer shave
Our safety razors have one single blade rather than 3 or 5, allowing for a more gentle shave helping to prevent shaving rash, razor burn and ingrown hairs.
4. Safety first
They’re not called safety razors for no reason. Our razors are closed comb meaning the blade is placed between the guard plate and comb plate, giving you more control of the blade so you're less likely to cut yourself.
5. The one for all, and all for one
These razors do not discriminate. A unisex item suitable for legs, heads, underams, beards.... You name it, our razors will shave it. Wherever the area, just take it nice and slow the first couple of times and you will be a pro before you know it.
- Twist the handle anti-clockwise to unscrew it from the guard plate and comb plate and separate the pieces.
- Place the guard plate so that the side with the Plant & Prosper logo is facing down.
- Gently take a razor blade out of the packet holding the non-sharp edges and guide the blade on to the guard plate so that the holes align.
- Place the comb plate on top of the blade so that the comb (the grooved part) is closest to the blade.
- Screw on handle
Note: The following is for guidance only. Although we can provide guidance on how best to use, it is very much about finding a shaving style that suits you. Everybody is unique so what suits one person might not suit the next.
- Prepare the skin as you usually would. Getting set for a safety razor shave is no different to prepping for a cartridge shave, however we highly recommend using one of our shave bars or pre-shave oil to help the razor glide.
- Maintain a 30-45 degree, using only the weight of the razor. Unlike cartridge shaves, not much pressure is needed for a close shave as the weighted handle of this razor gives you all the force that you need.
- The next step is personal preference, some people prefer to shave with the grain, some against the grain. For facial hair, the recommendation is to shave with the grain as this will reduce the likelihood of ingrown hairs.
- Use short strokes or long, whatever suits you. Do your best not to re-shave an area of skin, as this is the easiest way to avoid irritation.
- Rinse with cold water to close pores. Apply any soothing lotion or balms that you usually would.
To recycle the blades you have a couple of options. You can collect these in an aluminium tin then once full (which will take a very long time), safely secure the tin and place these in your recycling. Or you can also drop this at a scrap metals recycling facility which there are loads of around Australia, check out www.recyclingnearyou.com.au.
By following a couple of simple steps you can ensure that your safety razor sticks with you through thick and thin (*no hair pun intended).
- Post shave, gently open the razor head, remove blade and rinse both the razor and blade.
- Completely dry the razor and blade and store in a dry place (not the shower or bathtub)